The Tale of Rose, Huang yimei and lilyma马莉


今晚CCTV 8 电视剧频道与腾讯视频19:30播出《玫瑰的故事》。

Tonight, CCTV 8 TV drama channel and Tencent Video will broadcast “The Tale of Rose” at 19:30.

The 38-episode TV drama “The Tale of Rose” is directed by Wang Jun, written by Li Xiao, and stars Liu Yifei and Tong Dawei. It also features special appearances by Lin Gengxin, Wan Qian, Lin Yi, Peng Guanying, and a special starring role by Huo Jianhua, with Zhu Zhu and others in leading roles in this urban emotional drama.

Based on the novel of the same name by Yi Shu, the story revolves around the growth and emotional journey of Huang Yimei (played by Liu Yifei) over more than twenty years. It deeply portrays the urban emotional life and focuses on various social phenomena and hot topics, vividly depicting the wonderful moments of contemporary women bravely blooming.

The drama is scheduled to premiere on June 8, 2024, at 19:30 on the golden time slot of CCTV TV drama channel, with simultaneous broadcasting on Tencent Video.(From Baidu)


Art director Wang Jing and Director Wang Jun

Recently, I have been receiving videos and information from friends, and like the audience, I have also been informed about the filming effects in real-time. Since the artwork entered production on April 19 last year and wrapped up by the end of November, 59 artworks of mine, each piece, like a child to me, has been perfectly preserved.

This was a “strict order” from the art director Wang Jing, that they must be returned in their original state. When the prop team leader Yang Hao returned them, he breathed a sigh of relief, finally completing the task.

Wang Jing, also are an artist. He is a graduate student in the directing department of the Beijing film academy. He was a classmate of my directing department classmate Meng Yuan when she was a graduate student. Many years ago, we all met at a gathering hosted by Xie Fei, who was also their alumni, at the “THE SWEET HUTONG” studio.


I deeply understand the mutual appreciation among classmates and colleagues for artistic works and am grateful for the attitude of mutual admiration among classmates.

In October 2022, my art work was awarded in Paris, France (Closed Spring- An attitude), Wang Jing found me and expressed interest in collaborating.

I said, “Oh, do you know? I’ve been so thrilled and fond of the recent works you’ve directed, I’ve watched them repeatedly. I’m a fan of your works.”

When I found out that the TV drama was directed by Wang Jun, I completely surrendered. At that time, I didn’t even know who the lead actors were.

When I found out that Liu Yifei was starring in it, I was very happy. During the time when I was watching “A Dream of Splendor” with Lv Xin, we couldn’t stop praising Liu Yifei.

Both Lin Gengxin and Huo Jianhua, as a girl myself, were actors I liked.



These days, friends and teacher have been giving feedback on the trailers for “The Tale of Rose”, saying, “lilyma, how come it sounds so much like you.” 

Yesterday, someone even called me in tears, saying they were moved. They witnessed how I am so “lovesick”. They even asked me if I had any romantic encounters in Europe this time.

Romantic encounters? What a joke! 

First people are not always in lust ridden. When in love, you should love wholeheartedly, without weighing the pros and cons. 

In my youth, I was educated by the operas “The Peony Pavilion”, “The Story of the Western Wing”, “A Dream of Red Mansions”, “The Legend of the White Snake”, and “The Burning Incense”. My youth was filled with these stories.

It’s the heart that controls the body, not the other way around.

I have my love always, for many years deep inside me. We both knew.


However, after watching the third trailer, I myself felt a bit confused. I have almost said these words before, with just a difference of one or two words.

I shared this feeling with Wang Jing the other day.

Wang Jing said: “You will like Rose(Huang Yimei).”


(The Ocean: Pink Beach No.4 )

Size: 100x150cm

Oil painting on canvas

我将艺术作品和预告片发给法国18、19世纪艺术品专家和藏家阿兰·库罗帕特瓦(Alain Kuropatwa)看,他很激动,发来一首诗歌:


Lily Ma art 

Offre-moi ton bouquet d’exhalaisons suaves

Que je m’endorme ivre

Arraisonne mes certitudes une fois encor

J’étreins les mots

Te souviens-tu 

Quand le fleuve énonçait les jours semblables

Et que la terre était ambre sous un ciel laiteux

Te souviens-tu, 

Que j”existais 

à  peine 

Sache que mes yeux depuis

Embrassent l’ouvert

Et que mon cœur par ta grâce,

Est devenu solaire

Offre-moi ton bouquet d’exhalaisons suaves

Que je m’endorme ivre

Arraisonne mes certitudes une fois encor

Car j’ai l’enfer trop épris dans ton regard 

L’art de Lily Ma vibre en écho l’oeuvre de Edvard Munch.

La différence ? 

Lily Ma exprime une ode à la vie,

à l’amour, à la sagesse 

Embrassez vos ciels roses 

Vos fleurs de joie

Quand on découvre l’oeuvre de Lily Ma 

On comprend intimement la puissance du regard les  saveurs sucrées du temps





(Winter impression: Moli fantasy and the flowers)

Size: 120x100cm

Acrylic on canvas and Mixed materials


I sent my artworks and trailers to Alain Kuropatwa in France, and he was very excited. He sent me a poem:


Lily Ma art

Offer me your bouquet of sweet exhalations

So that I may fall asleep intoxicated

Challenge my certainties once more

I embrace the words

Do you remember

When the river spoke of similar days

And the earth was amber under a milky sky

Do you remember,

That I existed


Know that since then my eyes

Embrace the open

And that my heart, by your grace,

Has become radiant

Offer me your bouquet of sweet exhalations

So that I may fall asleep intoxicated

Challenge my certainties once more

For I have too much of hell enamored in your gaze

Lily Ma’s art vibrates in echo of Edvard Munch’s work.

The difference?

Lily Ma expresses an ode to life,

to love, to wisdom

Embrace your pink skies

Your flowers of joy

When one discovers Lily Ma’s work

One intimately understands the power of the gaze the sweet flavors of time


*Alain Kuropatwa

Inventor of the artwork identity card (1994) patent registration;Former President of the Association for Artwork Private Heritage (A3P) ;Former Vice President of the Collectors’ Club

Art experts and collectors of the 18th and 19th centuries.



Jeanette Zwingenberger also sends her congratulations:


Lilyma Celebrations

The landscapes of Lilyma are very colorful.  In PINK BEACH 26, a white cloud very much alive is crossing the blue sky, the waves of the ocean are responding.  In the painting SOUTHERN GS TIBETAN AREA the clouds look like fishes, taking your imagination into the bright land where they come from.  The rhythms of her painting are expressing the energy of nature.

Her brilliantly colored canvases are in the tradition of Matisse period Fauve (“wild beast »).  Her free brushwork is expressive and creates dynamic composition.  The still life SPRING IMPRESSION with the red orange and rose flower is showing us where her inspiration origins: the contemplation of nature that gives her the Joy of Life.

May 2024, I spend an evening in the Tuileries in Paris with Lilyma we celebrated the beauty of the garden with his flowers, trees, birds, fishes and ducks. 

Thanks !

Jeanette Zwingenberger (PHD)

Art Historian, Scholar, Curator and Art Critic(Aica) 

Université Paris I Panthéon – Sorbonne.

8 June 2024


OK! Looking forward to watching the show tonight. I do it with Lvxin, now she is cooking for me.

I want to go see Rose (Huang Yimei), her love and life.

I go now~~~

2024.6.8  下午 16:56 lilyma马莉



By Art-Trends

Media pédagogique et d'informations sur l'ART: le marché de l'Art, découverte d'artistes, authentification d'oeuvres.

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